Daily Routine

Describing your daily routine involves specific vocabulary related to everyday activities. This lesson covers common terms and phrases used to talk about daily habits and schedules.

Morning Routine

Waking Up

  • Wake up: To stop sleeping.
    • Example: "I wake up at 7 AM."
  • Get up: To get out of bed.
    • Example: "I get up immediately after waking up."

Personal Care

  • Brush teeth: To clean your teeth with a toothbrush.
    • Example: "I brush my teeth every morning."
  • Take a shower: To wash your body under running water.
    • Example: "I take a shower after I get up."

Getting Ready

  • Get dressed: To put on clothes.
    • Example: "I get dressed after taking a shower."
  • Have breakfast: To eat the first meal of the day.
    • Example: "I have breakfast at 8 AM."

Afternoon Routine

Work or School

  • Go to work/school: To leave home and go to your workplace or school.
    • Example: "I go to work at 9 AM."
  • Have lunch: To eat the midday meal.
    • Example: "I have lunch at 12:30 PM."

Afternoon Activities

  • Finish work/school: To complete your work or school activities for the day.
    • Example: "I finish work at 5 PM."
  • Go home: To return to your house.
    • Example: "I go home at 5:30 PM."

Evening Routine


  • Have dinner: To eat the evening meal.
    • Example: "I have dinner at 7 PM."

Leisure Activities

  • Watch TV: To watch television programs.
    • Example: "I watch TV in the evening."
  • Read a book: To read a book for leisure.
    • Example: "I read a book before bed."

Getting Ready for Bed

  • Take a bath: To wash your body in a bathtub.
    • Example: "I take a bath before bed."
  • Go to bed: To get into bed to sleep.
    • Example: "I go to bed at 10 PM."

Common Phrases

Describing Your Routine

  • Example: "My daily routine starts with waking up at 7 AM."
  • Example: "In the evening, I usually watch TV."

Asking About Routine

  • Example: "What time do you get up?"
  • Example: "Do you have dinner at home?"


Describing your daily routine is a fundamental part of everyday conversation. Knowing the vocabulary for daily activities will help you discuss your habits and understand others' routines more effectively.